Do You Even Care About Your Goals?
It’s common and normal to set some goals that don’t pan out. And usually for good reason. Many factors can get in the way and change the wind in our sails.
But if we could start goals on the right foot a little more often, wouldn’t you like to know how?
I’ve given the whole goal setting process a lot of thought over the past few years. I’ve tested methods through my own goal setting and tried new things with clients too. One element of the process that I haven’t strayed from, is asking why I’m setting a goal.
I noticed that when I would ask this question in workshops and in client sessions — folks would get a little annoyed, as if the answer should be obvious. Like it should roll off their tongues. But when it came time to really answer, sometimes they couldn’t. And I found it to be the same way for myself.
I believe in goals that have a defined purpose and intent. These are the goals that are more likely to stick. The ones you’ll be more invested in and careful about. Goals represent such pillars in our lives. They are the actions of our purpose, the definitions of our passions.
Check in with the roots of your goals.
Don’t worry about them looking like someone else’s or abiding by some rules that have been concocted by society. You have the reigns, my love. You hold the key, the power, the permission. Unlock the meaning behind your life and then create the actions that will help you to see it out.
What could be bolder than taking steps to move more in line with what you value and care about? What could be more courageous than excusing anyshould’s and must be’s from your life and just making choices rooted in your desires, and authentic self? I want to help you to get there. I would be so incredibly honoured to help you to get there. Becoming Bold: The Online Program is the portal to meaningful goal making. Let’s do this!
You can read about the full program by clicking here. And you can see my whole list of online courses when you click here.
Thanks to those of you who have replied to my blog, either virtually or in person. You give me all the warm fuzzies.