Happiness Isn’t A Milestone

Brittany Masson
3 min readAug 22, 2018


When I get that promotion, I’ll be happy.

If I just made $10,000 more each year, I’d be satisified.

When I’m retired, I’ll be joyous everyday.

We’re treating our happiness like it’s a milestone to reach. Like it’s a pinnacle moment at the end of the road. If this is how you’re thinking, you’re missing the in-between. You’re missing the chance to be happy RIGHT NOW.

You’re dangling the carrot in front of yourself, and guess what? The moment you get that thing you’ve been wishing for, I can guarantee you won’t lay back in happiness for long. Before you know it, there will be another carrot to string up and another reason to believe that you aren’t quite as happy as you could be.

The most liberating thing we can do is realize that happiness is created from within, not from our external environment. I’m not disputing the fact that checking the boxes on our basic hierarchy of needs can bring immense happiness — like food, shelter, and community. But once those needs are met, we’re kidding ourselves if we think there is anything externally that we can do to sustainably alter our baseline of happiness.

If you’re waking up sulking. If you’re living for the weekend. Sighing through each day and dragging yourself from place to place, just day dreaming of a future situation where you’re joyous. Ask yourself:

What can I do RIGHT NOW to change my mindset and create the happiness I desperately desire?

Maybe it’s practicing gratitude for all that you DO have. Perhaps it’s getting in touch with what you really contribute to the people in your life and deciding to emphasize your importance to the world. Whether you’re sitting drinking your coffee, playing on the floor with your kids, or sitting on a cozy couch watching TV; how can you actually relish in your current life? How lucky are we that we get to live the most normal, mundane moments without worry? How lucky are we that we can walk, drink water from the tap, and google any question ever and get the answer simultaneously?

Doesn’t that make you happy!?

In the end, you get to decide what’s ‘enough’. You get to decide to love each day, no matter how broke you are, how entry-level your job is, or how small your house feels. Unhappiness is a choice. And so is the opposite.

I’ll teach you real gratitude and be the kick in the butt that you need. Stop sulking, let’s work together. Becoming Bold: The Online Program is the first step you can take. I’ll see you there.

You can read about the full program by clicking here. And you can see my whole list of online courses when you click here.

Right now, I’m on day 15 of a Manifestation Meditation streak. This means that I do the same meditation every single day and I’m focussing on hardcore manifestation. A huge part of this is thinking about what I’m really grateful for. When I run through my gratitude list, I always think of you guys and how fortunate I am to get to share my writing each week. Thank you so much for being on the other end to receive it.





Brittany Masson
Brittany Masson

Written by Brittany Masson

courage. motherhood. self discovery.

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